A new paper map was released in March 2023.

Paper Map

The Wasatch Backcountry Skiing Map is a full-color paper map that complements the Wasatch Backcountry Skiing desktop map and the mobile apps.

The fifth edition of the Wasatch Backcountry Skiing paper Map is now available (the Android app uses the fifth edition base map; the iOS app still uses the fourth edition map). See what's new in the fifth edition. See the terrain covered by the maps.

The folded map is 24x36 inches (6x8 inches when folded), double-sided, and printed on waterproof paper. The huge wall map is ~36x48 inches, suitable for framing, and mailed in a shipping tube.

All profits from the sale of the paper map are donated to organizations that promote avalanche safety or the preservation of the Wasatch mountains. I only deduct hard costs such as printing—I don't keep a cent. As of December 2024, sales of the map have contributed more than $100,000 to these nonprofits.

Watch this three-minute video for a quick look at the map and to learn about its unique index. (That video is old but it still gives a decent overview.)

You can buy the folded map at:

These stores pass all proceeds to the Utah Avalanche Center. You can also buy the map from Steve's online store where you can choose the organization to receive the profits.

If you purchase a paper map, you may also want to get the Avalanche Slope Ruler.

High Resolution

Here's a portion of the map near the top of Days Fork. The red shading identifies slopes that are approximately 30° or steeper. (You can measure slope angles yourself using the Avalanche Slope Ruler or the Avalanche Inclinometer.)

Fully Indexed

The paper map includes an index to almost 1,000 backcountry locations. You can use the "grid coordinates" to find a location on the paper map or use the "online number" to display the location on WasatchBackcountrySkiing.com. For example, visiting https://WBSkiing.com/4020 (as shown below) will display Hobbs Chute on the desktop map.

You can buy the map at Black Diamond, the Salt Lake City REI, Skimo Co, Wasatch Touring, and White Pine Touring (these stores pass all proceeds to the Utah Avalanche Center). You can also buy the map from Steve's online store (where you can choose the charity to receive the profits), and from the Utah Avalanche Center's online store.